All Things Pisces in 2023
I created this hub for Threshold Members to be able to find all the WeRK content in one place AND in post order. If you're looking for a post related to Pisces Season OR WeRK we're doing in Pisces Season THIS is the place to be. I will also be updating each time a new post is made during Pisces Season.

February 27 - March 5, 2023

March 6 - 12 , 2023

March 13 - 19, 2023

☿♒︎ □ ♅♉︎ Mercury Square Uranus [Taurus] | 2023 FEB 21 | 14:22pst (that's 2:22 y'all) | 15º 20' ||
What you know matters. What you think matters. That doesn't mean it's more important than what other people know or think. That doesn't mean you can force someone else your way. We have to learn how we thread this needle going forward. How we tend the line that forms here might make or break how humanity evolves. This is a great transit for envisioning how you'd set up the rules in your perfect world.
How would you fix the issues most pressing us today? Lean into this energy for outside-the-box answers to what's got you all twisted up in your head.
♀☌ ♃ & Chiron || Venus Conjunct Jupiter AND Chiron |Aries | 23 MAR 01 | 21:35pst | 12º09' & 23 MAR 03 | 9:48pst | 13º59' ||
The sweetest meeting of the cycle.
The two benefics come together for a meeting in the Sign of passion, initiation, and impulsive excitement. Use it to activate your dreams and to open up to abundance BUT/AND watch out for that cliff and remember, if it's not about your healing (for really reall), it's probably not gonna turn out the way you hope.

☿☌♄♒︎ || Mercury Conjunct Saturn |Aquarius | 2023 MAR 02 | 6:34pst
What structures your ideologies & beliefs? What information is hiding in the deepest parts of your Imagination?
These transits are asking you to think about these journal prompts... what did you discover this week?

☿→♓︎ || Mercury Enters Pisces |
2023 MAR 02 | 14:51pst
When we experience this transit as a collective we can get lost more easily. This isn't a Mercury in Pisces "problem" this is a capitalism problem. This is a patriarchy problem. We need to change the narrative about the value of getting lost, both literally and figuratively.

♄→♓︎ | Saturn Enters Pisces | 2023 MAR 07 | 5:34pst | Responsible for the Ocean
As Saturn moves into Pisces in 2023 I keep seeing those underwater city scenes from apocalyptic movies. It makes me think about how Saturn has been trying to show us all the broken systems and failed structures in our collective. It also makes me cringe because I know how Saturn reacts when ignored.

Your Feedback Is Important!
The whole purpose of a Beta Test is to get your feedback on your experiences. Is there anything you noticed that needs editing? Any missing information or additional information that might be helpful for you? How does the content flow for you? Is there anything YOU want to share?

These are optional and recordings will be posted.
Most of the LIVE Q&A's will be about two hours long, max/depending on how many questions there are. If you cannot attend you can submit questions to me via email.
I will not be doing live instruction, the curriculum for most sections of the SweetAstro WeRKbook will be prerecorded and shared in advance of the Q&A sessions.The sessions are more for answering questions about using the WeRKbooks and less about answering general or specific Astrology questions.
If you have general Astrology questions please email them to me and I will decide the best way to answer that question; perhaps with a blog post or a special video. If it's a personal Astrology question you can also submit that to me and I'll either answer it in a private email or encourage you to book a session, depending on the question.
The exchange of engagment is a big part of this Beta group so I appreciate your time and attention. Please make sure you RSVP for the Live Q&A sessions.
You can use this form to submit a question if you're planning to attend the Live Session and you just want to give me a heads up on the question.
PLEASE NOTE: The Live Q&A's are not generally for answering specific questions about YOUR chart. However, I will do my best to assist you IF you submit your question in advance. If it seems appropriate and helpful to the group I will answer the question ANONYMOUSLY in the Live Session - meaning I will answer it but not in a specific to YOU way. I resist doing this because I don't want your chart info recorded in evergreen content. Instead I will show your chart without your name and answer the question IF it's a question that brings value to the group. If your question doesn't seem to fit the Live Session requirements I will send you an email update. In that email I will either answer your question OR instruct you on the best way to get that answer. If it's a brief question I will try to answer it; please remember I offer readings and sometimes that is the best way to get these answers.
- SATURDAY, February 25th 2023, 10am - Noon pst (1-3 est) | Open session for any questions related to the WeRKbooks, Weekly AstroWeathers, Astro101, AstroAspects or general Astrology questions. And you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
- THURSDAY, March 9th 2023, 10am - Noon pst (1-3 est) | Open session for any questions related to the WeRKbooks, Weekly AstroWeathers, Astro101, AstroAspects or general Astrology questions. And you can submit any questions to me via email and I can answer them in the session.
In order to sign up for one or all of the sessions simply add each date to your CART by
selecting the SCHEDULE YOUR TIME button.
Then choose the date you can attend,
then select the time that shows up on the right until that button turns purple,
then you will see the BOOK YOUR TIME button light up purple,
click that button and it will add that date/time to your cart.
Once you're in your cart click the event link in your cart again and return the step one.
Zoom links sent after you complete this registration. Recordings will be posted on the current Season Hub.