Welcome to a New Week and a New Moon Phase MoonBeams! I hope you're ready to dive into your ShadowWeRK! This week is offering up some great opportunities to lean into that WeRK! If you're still not sure how to do ShadowWeRK you can always (re)Watch this video I made, WTF Is ShadowWeRK?! for tips and support. That's why I created this ComMOONity Space, so we could support each other Thru...

This week has some opportunities that may feel uncomfortable and heavy, this is a good time to lean into what it means to get uncomfortable. Part of the reason we're struggling so hard to both individually and collectively destroy and dismantle the systems of oppression in our culture is because we don't want to get uncomfortable.
Much of that is perceived discomfort; it's imaginary but it feels super real and scary. That's what indoctrination feels like. They repeat this message that we cannot have a collective without the rules and systems they built. That we will never survive outside of capitalism, etc. This week is an amazing opportunity to REALLY look at actions you can take to test the edges of the reality vs. the illusion of discomfort.
The Sun will make its second to last conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday at 6:44 pst. The Sun has been making this conjunction since December 2008 when it made its first merger with the new Pluto in Capricorn energy. Think back to what was going on in your life/community at that time? How does that relate to your Capricorn House Themes?
Since Pluto will dip into Aquarius this year we know there is a major, collective and generational shift on the horizon. After this week's conjunction, there is only one more of these transformational transits before the big Pluto into Aquarius shift when The Sun Pluto conjunctions will start occurring in Aquarius.
This conjunction is about our personal responsibility during a massive transformation in the collective.
For context, Obama was elected in November 2008 and his inauguration was on January 20, 2009. The first conjunction of The Sun and Pluto in Capricorn was sandwiched between that big shift in American politics. Some say Obama's presidency gave birth to the extremists we now know as Qanon, MAGAs and the AltRight.
We also experienced a very severe financial crisis that revealed some devious and destructive policies that we're still wrestling with today as the economy continues to be exposed as a made-up thing controlled by the 1%.
It's also a good time to research the Pluto Return of the US which has Pluto in the late degrees of Capricorn natal (degree depends on which chart you look at). It's clear this country is facing some profound transformations... the question is what will that look like in the shift from Capricorn to Aquarius?? We shall see.
This transit asks us to consider IF we can ever let capitalism die. Can we ever allow our minds to expand beyond the binary systems that favor the billionaire class? This is a question that Pluto in Aquarius is more likely to act on so my recommendation is this: spend time learning about alternatives and lean into the discomfort you may have around NOT being a capitalist.
Use this Scorpio Moon, The Dark & The New Moon energy to help you lean into this very challenging and uncomfortable WeRK.
This is an excellent time to start the unlearning process so here is an excellent podcast about alternatives to capitalism that are inclusive and considerate of environmental, social justice, and class issues. I highly recommend it!
Welcome Weird Waterbearer

Aquarius Season will arrive on Friday, January 20th at 00:29pst. Wanna learn more? Check out my Aquarius Season Blog Post:
Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week. For more details, watch the Weekly Video Below.

Here's This Week's Video:
Big Ass Transit Of The Week!!!
Mercury Stations Direct in Capricorn | 23.01.18 | 5:11pst | 8º 08'
Don't buy into the hype on the socials that this means Mercury Retrograde is over. It's not. Sorry, not sorry. You have to walk the whole cycle to get the gifts. The Direct Station means that Mercury is now in it's - Shadow (aka: exit Shadow) period. We now have the chance to tie up those loose ends & decode wtf all the confusion, glitches, & chaos were for.

Venus Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius | 23.01.22 | 14:12pst | 24º47'
Under these weathers the culture is meant to be evaluating those norms and making sure no one is being harmed by the current standards. A course correction is supposed to be enacted and then Saturn will maintain that policy until the next time these two meet.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!
This week The Moon will thru half of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn & most of Aquarius.
The Moon will be in the Dark & New Moon Phases.
Moon In Scorpio | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Sagittarius | Sun In Capricorn |
Moon In Capricorn | Sun In Aquarius | THE DARK MOON
Moon In Aquarius | Sun In Aquarius | THE NEW MOON
Moon Phase This Week
The Dark Moon | In Capricorn |
2023 JAN 19 @ 11:11 pst to
2023 JAN 21 @ 10:28 pst
The New Moon | In Aquarius |
2023 JAN 21 | 12:53 pst | 1º33'
Moon Ritual WeRKshops Coming Soon!
This Week's Events & Reminders
January 16th 2023 | 9:00a - 11:00a pst
Please make sure you register for the next LIVE Q & A Session in Capricorn Season.
I will be sharing the schedule for all of the LIVE Q&A's for the rest of Winter next week.
All LIVE Q&A sessions are recorded and recordings will be shared via email.
If you have questions and cannot attend, please post them here OR email me and I will answer them in the session.
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
Hey MoonBeams!
I had a challenging week of tech issues and personal issues and not feeling 100% so I am super impressed that I've completed this week's post.
Many of you told me that you also had a tough week until Mars Stationed Direct last Thursday and then things were just popping off. I didn't have THAT experience, tho there was definitely some popping off (mostly from my own mouth!)
I am super excited to hear that more of the Threshold Members have received their WeRKbooks. I believe everyone has theirs in their hands but let me know if you don't! We will be starting some new Threshold BETA WeRKshops in Aquarius Season so please ma ke sure you sign up for the ones you can attend.
These are for Threshold members but don't fear, more access portals will be opening up soon!
I am hoping to launch info about the next phase on January 19th so STAY TUNED!
I am so grateful for the feedback and support so far, please make sure you let me know if you have ANYTHING to share. I mean ANYTHING. I want to know about typos, errors, and things that confuse you; both in the WeRKbook AND any blogs or other posts.
I am doing edits constantly and no thang is too small or embarrassing for me! Please help me fix it before the second version of the WeRkbook is created! TIA MoonBeams!
And, as always, if you have any questions please let me know.
xo, d.