AstroWeathers | The Week Ahead | Last Quarter Moon in Cancer

Astrological Forecast for the week of October 2-8, 2023

This is a good week for some reflection and release WeRk after that Full Moon in Aries. The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer is ready to assist in that WeRK; just remember tears are Magical Tools & it's okay to set them free.

Lean into the Mercury opposition to Neptune in Pisces for some Imagination Magic WeRK and then Mercury will enter Libra and we can leave the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo WeRK behind (finally!).

Venus will also exit its Shadow Phase AND change signs,  moving into Virgo at the end of the week. These are big shifts and after having these two personal planets in the same places for an extended period we will all feel the change.

Of course, we can't overlook that Mars will be opposing the Lunar Nodes AND squaring Pluto in Capricorn this week too. That series may be uncomfortable and intensely tense so just remember, every transit holds an opportunity inside it. These Mars transits might be teaching us to lean into what we learned about our passions and desires over the summer; those Magical Gifts and Tools are your birthright. Fight for them, utilize them, and integrate them into a more purposeful life.  You are worth it!

astrology chart of the the week

UPDATE: I am on the fucking struggle bus y'all. I laughed so hard when I saw that I wrote First Quarter Moon on everything and even tho I talked about it like it was the Last Quarter Moon in all the recordings I still wrote FQ everywhere. Whatever. This Mercury Retrograde is finally over and I am so exhausted. Luckily I am still doing all of this in a BETA phase, LOL> Anyhoo, please update your shit and apologies and let me know if you have any questions. 

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.  

For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast! 

This Week's Video

Libra Season

The Sun moved from Virgo to Libra at 23:49pst on September 22, 2023.  


Libra Season is our last big celebration before we get back to WeRK preparing for the Winter ahead.  We've stepped into The Shadow of The Darkness; this time with an understanding of what The Shadow and The Dark are worth. We have a willingness to reclaim this power. We deserve to move bravely through the whole cycle, wholly a part of it's Magic. Are you ready for the powerful Magic of Libra Season? 



MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon?!

WTF is a MoonScope?

This week The Moon will be in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and a bit of Leo this week.


The Moon will move through a First Quarter Moon Phase in Cancer this week.


What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon

Libra Sun | TAURUS MOON |



All this Venus energy, Oooooo Eeeeee. Soak it up, find gratitude for the deep, rich Venus WeRK you just did during this Venus Retrograde in Leo Cycle. You went thru that and you may not know what it worth yet, but take them time to reflect on it under these weathers and it might be a bit easier to see.   


2023 OCTOBER 02


Enjoying the Autumn collections. Organizing the Autumn collections. What are your Autumn connections? Getting together with friends and discussing all the Autumn collections. 

Libra Sun | CANCER MOON |

2023 OCTOBER 05


Last Quarter Moon in Cancer 

13º03' | 2023 OCTOBER 06 | 6:47PST


All drains lead to the ocean. Remember that when you release what's ready to go after that kaboom of a Full Moon in Aries. Your energetic trash is just as toxic as real trash so it goes into the compost bin NOT the ocean. 

Libra Sun | LEO MOON

2023 OCTOBER 07


Another beauty. This combo is extra glitter, gold, and glam but it's also an opportunity to reflect on the Venus Retrograde at the very end of the its Retrograde Cycle. What did you learn about your relationship to celebrity, leadership, and royalty? What did you learn about your relationship to ego, fame and selfishness? Retrogrades can pull up the Shadows in that part of our charts. What was sucked out for you and how are you gonna integrate that shit? This Libra Sun can help you with this WeRK. 

MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase & Ritual


The Last Quarter Moon is a time of Surrender & Release. The Full Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Last Quarter Moon is a time to take action on releasing the blocks that you discovered need to GTFO during the Full Moon Ritual. It’s okay if you check back & find that not everything is ready to be released. Trust your instincts. This Moon invites you to prepare the Compost that will brew into fuel during the Dark Moon & feed the Seeds of your Intentions in the New Moon. 

The Libra Season Moon Rituals

No Moon Rituals This Season, We're Gonna Learn About The Aries/Libra Eclipses Instead…



The initial peek into this new cycle occurred on April 19th and the next will occur on October 14th, 2023


SweetAstro Collective  | UPDATES, prep tools, how-to videos, & more…

Venus Retrograde in Leo | ALMOST THERE!


How are you doing with the integration phase of the Venus Retrograde in Leo cycle?  This has been our chance to see how some of our Entry Shadow and Retrograde lessons can be integrated into this final Shadow Phase. We have until October 7th when this cycle ends to continue to do this uncomfortable WeRK. It may be a bit easier to do this once the Mercury Retrograde is completely over.


Where's the value babes? 


Venus Retrograde in Leo Timeline


Enters Rx Shadow June 20 at 12º 

Stations Retrograde July 23 at 28º 

Stations Direct Sep 3 at 12º 

Exits Rx Shadow October 7 at 28º  


GENERAL U P D A T E S  | announcements, events & special offerings…

My Astrology Calendar is Open

A reminder that a few spots are open in my Autumn Season calendar too (September 23 - December 20th). There are even more Winter Season dates open between December 21-March 20. 


I hope you'll be able to find a date that works for you to schedule a session soon.


OH AND… I have five Membership spots open for Winter Season SO… if you want to get in a Membership package for the New Year you'll want to book your Intake Session ASAP. I do have payment plans and special offers available so reach out if want to know more about those options.  


REFLECTIONS ON THIS DIVINATION GAME: Well, what were your thoughts on this series? 

I'd love to know what you think or how you're reading these cards. I went back and looked at how each card reflected back to me what was going on for me that week… that was interesting!    


It's also interesting to read a series when the same card shows up twice. Here's what I took from it, personally. 



WEEK 1: 6 OF PENTACLES | I love that this is the card of social justice and it's about philanthropy and generosity. I get this card a lot in my readings and it always feels very Libra/Aries polarity to me. 


WEEK 2: PAGE OF SWORDS | This card also feels Aries to me, even tho it's more associated with Earth and Air it's the aggressive, impulsive nature of this page that makes me think of The Ram.  


WEEK 3: 6 OF PENTACLES, REVERSED | This is one made me think about being grateful for those who are generous, especially when their philanthropy or justice fight is pure and authentic. We may often overlook what philanthropy really is, just as many of us are always trying to really sort out how we can uniquely fight for justice IRL too. 


These first three together made me think of how hard it is to be a warrior for social justice, especially if you best tools are words and communication. It connected to how I always feel like people tell me they love to read my shit but they would never share it or say it because they are too afraid of the punishments or losses they would face. 


WEEK 4: ACE OF CUPS | The card is always held up as such a boon or lucky card for abundance and such but in this case, I thought that it also represents a new beginning, which The Death card can also indicate. I feel like this is saying (to me at least) that there needs to be a “nice” death of this thinking that we should keep our mouths shut and wait for someone else to do the hard wOrk and we can just wait for the abundance to trickle down to us. 


WEEK 5: SEVEN OF PENTACLES, REVERSED | My feelings about the Ace of Cups was backed up by how the 7 of Pentacles can represent having your head in the sand about what's really going on with resources and your investments. I think we all need to go back and review all that happened in the “it's a recession or blame it all on recession” messaging of the retrograde time. I hate being the one who keeps saying all these things but I my head is definitely not in the sand! We need to be fighting against the price gouging and tactics that are clearly making the billionaires more while more and more regular folx are losing their homes and going hungry. Hmmmmm. 


WEEK 6: VII | THE CHARIOT | This is a good ending card. I hope this means more of us are going to stop hiding behind these fears of losing friends or resources if we speak out or act out… what a victory that would be! 


 I would love to hear your thoughts….

Personal Updates:

Last week was two days long. What a flash last week was! I feel like I kinda got back on the pony but also it was a racehorse and it ran the whole week and I don't even know what happened, LOL! Settling into a new weather season can be tricky like that. I am loving the weather shift and ready for Sweater Weather! 


I am cooking up some Autumn events and activities. I'd love to keep attending things if I can. I'd love to share whatever y'all are working on or doing… do tell, what's the cool shit going down in Autumn MoonBeams?? 


A Special Gift. I am offering a special discount this week. In honor of the upcoming Eclipses in Aries and Libra. Use the code ECLIPSED22 to get 22% off any 1:1 Astrology Reading. You can absolutely share this code too.  



MuchLove MoonBeams, 


xo, d

I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button. 

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