The Autumn Portal Opens

The Dark Returns; It's Time To Die. 

Are You Ready?

Created with Dark Magic & Deep Love BUT little proofreading... let me know if you see a booboo

Let's Reconnect In The Dark...

Heyyyyy Yaaaaa MoonBeams!

I am slowly coming back to life after a much-needed, and very heavy period of ShadowWeRK and release. I hope the Mercury Retrograde in Leo/Virgo was good for you too, lol....

Or maybe it was that new Eclipse Portal opening in Pisces/Virgo that gave me all this renewal and motivation?!?

Perhaps that's why you're reading this... because you're ready to do that heavy ShadowWeRK or you feel a call to renewal? Are you ready for some release as the The Dark returns? Do you want to shed some shit as we move between the portals this Autumn?

The Autumnal AstroWeathers are leading us all to new depths babes...

I am here for all of it, I am here for us. It's so fucking good.

But/And, Please Remember..

I have no interest in WeRKing with anyone who is still silent about the ongoing Genocide(s) in Palestine, The Congo & Sudan. I don't want to tiptoe around anyone's complacency, compliciy, or confusion. As we approach the year mark of watching a brutal and violent new holocaust on a daily basis I don't have the bandwidth to pretend with folx. We're in a dire, devastating place with our only environment... all while we see more and more of our neighbors both locally, nationally, and globally displaced from shelter, struggling to buy food & basic healthcare... there isn't time for me to be nice to any tender hearts. This means that if you sign up to WeRK with me we will be discussing these things. We will be finding hope in our own Magical Gifts & Tools AND figuring out OUR unique ways of DOING the CHANGE that needs to happen. I want to help others un/reLearn because I am always (and will always be) actively un/reLearning - that's how we decolonize & reimagine a different world for everyone. Liberation WeRK is fucking hard. And it's also so beautiful and rich beyond our wildest dreams. We can't stay here in capitalism's death machine so if you're ready to be a fucking menace to this old society, let's go. And if not - unsubscribe, unfriend, unfollow me. I want to declutter my collectives and create comMOONity with those who are ready to peal back the dead skin and decay. 

I created these three Tarot Designs as a Magical Spell for Autumn. These are the cards associated with Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. It's fitting in so many ways. I am still working on them. Trying to decide if they want more color or not... Trying to decide if I will offer prints for sale. And yes, maybe one day I will complete full deck. Who fucking knows what Dianna will do??? Certainly NOT me.

Tarot Card : Justice. Designed by Dianna Fae 2024
Tarot Card : Death. Designed by Dianna Fae 2024
Tarot Card : Temperance. Designed by Dianna Fae 2024

On September 22nd I opened the Autumn Portal. This is how I'll be running things going forward. Each Quarter (we call em seasons) of the Annual Cycle, I'll be changing up my offerings & Magic. I am so excited about embracing my WeRK this way, especially as I add new Magic to the mix all the time.

I have designed some unique offerings for WeRKing with you, my precious and radical ComMOONity members. I really hope these offerings are just what you need as The Light fades and The Dark consumes more of our days. I promise you Sweet Disruption & Good WeRK during this powerful quarter.

These offerings include special new Astrology Readings, access to new Magical Gifts & Tools, AND there will be new Death Magic offerings available in Scorpio Season too (what the actual fuck?!?! That's right, it's gonna be so good).

The Autumn Dark Moon Circles are now open for registration and while these are always so rich, powerful AND free during The Dark Sun Season I am limiting the Circles to 13 attendees per Sun Season.

I am most excited that I will also be publishing the first edition of a very precious published offering called SWEET on November 1st [the witches new year is gonna be so fucking good. so. fucking. good].

And last but not least, a brand new, stunning ComMOONity Threshold has been telling me it wants to open again... I am feeling like a gateway for this will be arriving at the end of Autumn, just before Winter arrives. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this... are you seeking ComMOONity?? I know I am starving for some connection!

If any of this tickles your fancy you can learn more (at least what I know about the process of these offerings so far) below. I'd love to hear all your thoughts and all of your updates. 

I can't wait to fuck shit up with y'all again.

Astrology Offerings

I deeply needed that break babes, and...

I am really looking forward to getting back to offering readings. I really needed a break to reset my self after a year of watching most of the humans I know & love ignore several genocides. So much about my old life shifted and died; that is sometimes what it takes to wake us up. It's also what happens as you lean into decolonization & liberation WeRK inside your SELF - even when the world isn't coming apart at the seams before your eyes it's difficult to do the UN/RElearn WeRK. I feel like I have a much better handle on my zone of genius, my Magical Gifts & Tools and all the ways I want to wield my powers of Sweet Disruption in the world. I hope you're feeling the same way and you're ready to get to WeRK in the my favorite part of the Annual Cycle - THE END.

I have new payment options in this cycle:

☆ Pay my suggested price: select a date. & time, complete the form, & pay. You can still send a tip or additional gifts after the session.

☆ Enter the code FREEPALESTINE24 to zero out the prepayment and you can send any amount that works for you via my other payment links at the bottom of any page on my site. 

☆ And Yes, I also except cash, checks, trades, and gifts of your choosing. If you want to pay with these Venusian options please send me a message so we can make arrangements for that.

**At this time I am not able to offer free shipping anymore. You will need to pay the shipping in order to receive your chart drawing and gifts from me after the session. If you're an international client or you don't want your drawing or gifts please message me before booking and I can provide a code for that.

***I am also not offering recordings with every session any longer. YOU are more than welcome to record the session on your Zoom if you want it. We will discuss this at the beginning of each session.

Magical Gifts & Tools


I am back in the studio...

making art and casting spells and shit. It's been so wonderful and painful to reconnect with my art making process after years of doing commissions that while beautiful and rewarded, were also heavy and hard. The WeRK I did for grieving parents and their ghost babies was so powerful and I am really grateful for all the things I learned during that time. Sadly I wasn't able to continue with that organization but I am excited to be incorporating what I discovered in that process into my Death Magic practice...

If you want to commission some art...

for your special occasions or as gifts, especially if you're experiencing grief or loss, I hope you'll reach out. I am always surprised to hear how most folx think art commissions are not accessible to them. It's something we should all have access to and I really want to engage around this topic as I move into the New Year/Winter Quarter so expect to hear more.

☆ And Yes, I also except cash, checks, trades, and gifts of your choosing. If you want to pay with these Venusian options please send me a message so we can make arrangements for that.

Death Magic

Birth Of A Death Doula...

Ooof, this is a huge milestone in my life. I will be officially completing my Death Doula training just before the Witches New Year begins. 

But I have already been doing this kind of WeRK since 2018. It has been WeRK that I have always envisioned (and feared) for my core SELF. Even as a child I knew I was born to help with transitions and endings. This absolutely includes WeRKing with actual human deaths and all that may entail. But it's also broader than that, for me at least. Endings are fucking hard but I want to explore if that's because they are just HARD or because we live in a society that intentionally uses our fear of Death /endings to oppress & manipulate us?? Big thoughts babes, big thoughts!!!

I will of course be talking about it more and more as I complete my training, gather my guides and allies for this WeRK and allow it to pass into existence. It feels familiar to how I created my Astrology practice and I am feeling so blessed around how it's coming together after years and years of trying to answer a call to action. 

I look forward to answering any questions you have about this little seed. There will be a whole blog section about this process popping up here soon too. Many of you have already reached out to me about it so I am excited to share resources and hopefully gather with those of you who are also interested in the Death Path. 

If you're already feeling called OR you know someone who is in need of this offering now, please check out THE FIRST PORTAL offering I created below...

Dark Moon Circles

WTF is the Dark Moon!?

DARK MOON circles are a Virtual Meetup | This Group Discussion & Ritual Design WeRKshop Will Utiilize Magic & Astrology For Collective Liberation & ComMOONity Building.


DISCLAIMER: All are welcome to join this ShadowWeRKing container. HOWEVER, please know that this is a zionist/nazi/fascist free, antiracist, anticapitalist, anti-imperialist space. If you need clarification on what that means, this may not be the space for you. Please reach out if you have questions. Filling out the RSVP form will also help you be sure you're in the right place. 

The Dark Moon Circle  typically happens on the day of the Last Waning Crescent Phase, which is 2-3 days before the Dark Moon phase is active.

Scheduling at this time allows us to talk about the AstroWeathers of the upcoming Dark Moon and design a ritual together before we officially enter the Dark Moon Phase. We will all then participate in the Dark Moon ritual sometime during the Dark Moon Phase which is the time between the Last Waning Crescent Phase and the New Moon Phase. This is sometimes called the Balsamic Moon Phase. I call this Between The Silver Slivers.

We may decide to do these rituals at exactly the same time, together OR anytime during the 2-3 day window before the New Moon Phase activates. (We will discuss this in the circle)

Dark Moon Energy  is for banishment, alchemy, & radical rest. It is a time for decomposition, composting, and deconstruction. It is a much-forgotten, often ignored lunar phase but one that is much-needed when we're surrounded by so much suffering, violence & death. We are in a period of great chaos and we've forgotten that chaos is a natural part of our cycles, it is needed to ensure that no system or being stays in power or control for too long. The Darkness is actually equal to the light, not its nemesis or evil rival. Darkness creates the container & activation for the breakdown of the matter that becomes the fuel for what's next. Everything must die, even empires. And, when they do, something must come along and compost the broken bits & pieces so they can be made new again. This is what the Dark Moon Energy is for.

These containers will be uncomfortable  AND they will bring forward lots of opportunities for all of us to UN/RElearn together. This may require you to face harsh truths or it may expose you to hard things. It may also help you find the strength and courage you're seeking; the power you need to do the things you really, truly want to do. We are dissolving the "I am only one person so what can I even do" narrative.

The Dark Moon reconnects us with the Shadow, the Shade, and the power of the Void. This is where the Magic we need for change is hidden and in this Magical circle we can go into this space together to reclaim that Magic. We can remember that our access to that Magic is our birthright and that hiding it from us was an intentional act of the machine of imperialism.

These containers are free and open. If you're ready to step into the Dark Moon circle you can register to receive the Zoom link...HOWEVER, you do need to complete a form before the Zoom link will be emailed to you. These circles are not recorded and what is shared in the circle is not intended to be shared... however, I will share the ritual instructions & details we create as a blog post so others can access and participate in the disruptive, destructive Magic along with us. Anyone can access and participate in the rituals on their own time or with others they chose to come together with.

If you want to learn more about what the fuck this all even means, click the RSVP for more info, dates & times. If you're even a little curious, please join us.

You may also want to check out these resources before you join your first Dark Moon Circle...

 The Moon & It's Phases 

 WTF is ShadowWeRK   

The First Edition of SWEET

There are not words...

for what's happening here yet. Many of you know I've been gestating a WeRKbook/Astro Planner for the last two years and while it's been really rad for a me & one dedicated user it hasn't been a hit for most of the users who've tried it during the beta period. Turns out you have to be SERIOUS about integrating Astrology into your lifestyle for it to hit right. Which is amazing, useful, and helpful feedback. And while I know I won't stop making The Sweet Astro WeRKbook I think it's actually for a project I want to birth in the Spring stay tuned if you're excited about an Astrology planner that will change your life.

So, what is SWEET, you ask??

Well, it's a zine. It's an art project. It's a mini planner. It's a fucking delightful little creation I am going to make for each quarter of the annual cycle. AND I may make some special editions as well. My intention is for them to offer a digestible amount of info mixed in with art, articles, WeRKsheets and some fun fuckery too. The thing I am most excited about is having guest artists, writers, and creators enter its pages too. [interested in that?!?! reach out]. Its birth data is 2024NOV01 08:01 Portland Oregon if ya wanna look up the chart. 

I will make some announcements as the order date gets closer. My hope is that this issue can be ordered and delivered before the birth date but we shall see how the tech Gawdess feels about that over the next week or so. This edition will be special and likely be limited so if you want one keep an eye out for an email from me. These are print-on-demand so this first one is a kind of test run for the one that will launch in the Winter...

So fucking good. I can't wait to see what happens with this. 

Here's a sneak peak at the cover... 

The ComMOONity Threshold

This one is still perk-ah-latin'...

but I am really feeling the call to create a container for ComMOONity again. Especially after the last year of loss and heartbreak. I am desperate for some radical nerds to nerd out on all these things with. I really want to hold some in person gatherings and travel to meet new aligned folx. So many good things!!!

So, there's a new platform being built & developed now that I am hoping to have access to. Right now I am waiting until after my Death Doula training is done and I've completed that cycle before I add in another thang I have to build up BUT I also don't feel I have to wait for that either. 

I am not looking to build a huge group of folx! I am not looking to monetize some pyramid scheme either. I want a group of people who WANT to be in a radical collective and who want to use Astro, Magic, Art and Mayhem to fuck shit up. If you feel like that's you, then we can start gathering now - virtually, IRL, whatever. I just want to know there are other weirdos out there. If that sounds good, reach out. 

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