Astrology Forecast, November 6-12
The week begins with two Trines, one from Venus in Virgo to Pluto in Capricorn and one from Mercury in Scorpio to a Retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Both Venus and Mercury will change signs after making these gentle aspects. Venus will move into Libra, where it's strong and in rulership. Mercury makes one last aspect in Scorpio, a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn and then it moves into Sagittarius where it's in detriment. That struggling Mercury will send a square to Saturn in Pisces where it's now sitting at 0º after Stationing Direct last Saturday. We end the week with a strong Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus (Retrograde) in Uranus and a Dark Moon in Libra that moves into Scorpio, preparing for the New Moon in Scorpio early next week.

Here's a list of this week's planetary and Moon transits this week.
For more details, watch the Weekly Video OR listen to the new Podcast!

This Week's Video:
Scorpio Season
The Sun moved from Libra to Scorpio at 9:20 pst on October 23, 2023.
We've reached the midpoint of this Sun Season! Have you checked back to see if any themes are forming?
Don't forget to also check on your Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse WeRK too. We just ended that cycle so now you can go back and see if the lessons are ready to be learned.
You can also make sure you've prepared for the Libra/Aries Eclipses which opened on October 14th. The next Eclipse in that cycle return in Spring 2024.
Click the blogs below to learn more & reach out if you have questions.

MoonScopes | Where Is The Moon This Week?!
What Houses will The Moon light up in your chart? Notice what Houses are being traveled in your chart to see where you may be more emotional or intuitive this week. It's also valuable to notice what planets in your natal chart will be illuminated by The Moon.
MAGICmooning | This Week's Moon Phase
The Dark Moon is a time of Retreat & Introspection. The Last Quarter Moon WeRK you did last week was powerful & the Dark Moon is a time to take a big, juicy rest so you can have the energy to plant those New Moon intention seeds. The Dark Moon is the Death part of the Death/Rebirth Cycle. It is the big sleep, the quiet & the underneath. This is Moon most Magical practices try to avoid Ritualizing. It can be a scary, uncomfortable time but this is when the Compost Magic is most potent. Recharge YOU, boo.

Personal Updates:
I know it's a challenging time. If you've been listening to me at all I guess that shouldn't be a surprise BUT/AND I've been shookith by the way people I know and love are behaving. Their silence is violent and their reactions to me have been hurtful and aggressive. But the strangers I've connected with and the resources I've gathered are priceless. If you're interested in learning, changing, growing, and standing up in ways that are authentic and revolutionary I'd love to chat with you. Reach out Now that I've quit my PT job and ended some collaborations that took up a lot of my time I am here to support the ComMOONity. And I could use your support too! I'd love to know what your thoughts are, what you're doing, how you feel, etc. Let's hold each other up.
MuchLove MoonBeams,
xo, d
I am so grateful for all the feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to share please click the Give Feedback button.
GENERAL U P D A T E S | announcements, events & special offerings…
My Astrology Calendar is Open
I will be opening hundreds of new spots and I'll be launching my new offerings over the next few weeks. I have nothing else in my calendar now and I am ready to use my Magical Gifts & Tools for revolution! I believe understanding your SELF can allow you to be more authentic AND being authentic is an act of revolution.
If you felt compelled to share my offerings I would be so grateful. 90% of my clients come from referrals and I like it that way! If you haven't given a testimonial or review of my readings OR of the WeRKbook/ComMOONity you could also do that. I really need the support right now… gotta supplement that lost income and support my self too. TIA babes!
If you have any questions, please reach out.