Neptune was discovered in 1846. It is the planet of mysticism, music, disassociation, & confusion. It is the literal veil between the worlds reminding us not to get too fucking serious. Neptune wants us to stay connected to Magic via music, mystery, & divination. YOUR Magic is real! Neptune is retrograde about 5.5-6 months in the annual cycle.
Keywords: | Imagination, Mystery, The Known Unknown, Music, Spirituality, The Whirlpool, Altered Space, Magic | |
Archetypes: | The Visionary, The Mystic | |
Shadows: | An Existential Crisis, Disassociation, Confustion, Addiction, Delutional | |
Associations | ||
Colors: | Sea Green, indigo, lavendar | |
Body: | Pineal gland, thalamus, mental processes, seratonin, psychosis, viral infections | |
Places: | The Ocean, near or under water, aquariums, water treatment plants | |
Stones & Crystals: | Amethyst, fluorite, jade, coral | |
Metals: | Neptunian | |
Plants, Flowers & Herbs: | Seaweed, kelp, algae, reeds, waterlily, watercrest, cattails, swamp grass | |
Talismans & Personal Objects: | Sea creatures, loch ness monster, shells, mermaids, boats, sea birds, chalises | |
Tarot: | The Hanging Man | |
Number: | 7, 11 | |
House Associations: | 12th, Pisces | |
Planetary Rulerships: |
Vibes With: | Pisces | |
Disliked Most By: | Gemini, Virgo | |
It’s all about | The Visions and Imagination |