Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, good fortune, abundance & overindulgence. It’s all about finding the truth & broadening our horizons. Jupiter is connected our growth (literally), hormones, & fertility. Jupiter moves thru roughly one sign each year; sometimes it crosses back & forth between two a smidge too. Jupiter is retrograde for about four months each year. A Jupiter Retrograde is gives us a chance to go back & make sure we didn’t miss any important truths or opportunities for growth.
Planet Name: | Jupiter |
Planet Type: | Interpersonal Planet |
Keywords: | Abundance, Expansion, Growth, Good Fortune, Overindulgence, Joy |
Archetypes: | The Truthseeker |
Shadows: | The extremes, orthodox religion |
Associations | |
Colors: | All the colors swirled together |
Body: | Liver, body fat, pituitary gland |
Places: | Temples, churches, altars, buffets, bars, dance halls, sacred spaces |
Stones & Crystals: | Chrysocolla, topaz, jasper, lapis lazuli |
Metals: | Tin |
Plants, Flowers & Herbs: | Oak Tree, dandelion, sage, pumpkin, watermelon, asparagus, figs, orchids |
Talismans & Personal Objects: | Spiritual talismans, lottery tickets, game pieces, good luck charms, honey, sweets, affirmations |
Tarot: | Major: The Wheel |
Minor: 2 Pentacles, 6 Wands, 4 & 8 Swords, 9 Cups | |
Number: | 6 |
Day of the Week: | Thursday |
House Associations: | 9th, Sagittarius. 12th, Pisces |
Planetary Rulerships: | |
Rules | Sagittarius, Pisces |
Detriment: | Gemini, Virgo |
Exalted: | Cancer |
Fall: | Capricorn |
It’s all about | The Truth About Spirituality & Growth |